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辦公室風水錦囊:減輕情緒緊張. 西曆2021年6月5日芒種開始至7月6日為二十四節氣中的「甲午」月,留意電腦任何範圍都不要出現糾纏電線或擺放綠色盆栽,加上是月如睡眠質素不佳,特別會引發工作失誤的主要關鍵,甚至可導致職場危機。
The contemporary compass rose appears as two rings, one smaller and set inside the other. The outside ring denotes true cardinal directions while the smaller inside ring denotes magnetic cardinal directions. True north refers to the geographical location of the north pole while magnetic north refers to the direction towards which the north pole of a magnetic object (as found in a compass) wil…
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